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fiona basil
Sep 06, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine where there are uncontrollable urination and urge to urinate. Incontinence is often so severe that it does not allow the individual to have a prudent time to go to the bathroom. The involuntary leakage of urine can have a trigger such as: coughing, sneezing, straining. This problem translates into a physical, psychological and social problem that violates the quality of life of the individual. It is a clinical entity that mostly affects children, the elderly and women due to the weakness in these individuals of the pelvic floor and voiding muscles. Incontinence is caused by the increase in bladder pressure that is greater than that of the urethra, a tube that allows urine to pass from the bladder to the outside. The detrusor muscle located in the wall of the bladder may have an overactivity that causes incontinence due to neurological problems, alteration of the external muscles and the pelvic floor and due to lack of contraction of the internal sphincter due to organic damage. Types of urinary incontinence There are different types of incontinence: 1. Effort: When coughing or sneezing or simply exerting some effort, urine leaks out. This happens in women who have been pregnant who have a decreased tone of the pelvic muscles. 2. Urgent: In this type of incontinence, diseases that affect the innervation of the bladder muscles play a fundamental role, in this case the most affected is the detrusor. In diseases such as diabetes mellitus, there is a nervous hyperactivity limited to the autonomic nervous system that increases the tension of the detrusor and causes incontinence. In the elderly it is very common. 3. Due to overflow: the bladder is very full and it is impossible to empty it, when the bladder cannot hold any more urine, it overflows. This can be seen in cases of prostatic growth in men. 4. For psychogenic cause: It is associated with external stimuli that affect the senses (cold or water), strong and sudden emotions (fear, anguish or pleasure) or phobias and manias. Regarding the treatments, it is said that there are methods such as hygienic ones that include the taking of drinks that are not diuretic such as infusions, milk or alcohol, the taking of drinks is controlled by schedules, drinking plenty of fluids during the morning. Herbal remedies to control urinary incontinence There are also pharmacological treatments that keep the tone of the detrusor relaxed and that of the urethra contracted and thus prevent involuntary urine output with anticholinergic drugs. The use of herbal medications that can help control this clinical entity is also booming, which we will talk about below. Gosha-jinki-gan This herbal plant that helps to control urinary incontinence, urgency and overactive bladder was studied in Japan and achieved very effective results in people with urinary incontinence. The doctor should be consulted for proper dosage management. Buchu (Agathosma betulina) It is a medicinal plant that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and urinary tonic effects. In addition, it strengthens the tissues associated with urination and relieves systemic irritation. There is a recipe that has produced good results: you should place 1 teaspoon of this herb in a cup of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink this tea a couple of times a day until you get positive results. Note: Do not use this herb if you have pain and inflammation in the urinary tract. Consult your doctor before trying this or any other herbal remedy. Apple vinager It does not act directly on urinary incontinence but helps control body weight, one of the causes that allow the appearance of this clinical entity. Plus, it works as an excellent health tonic. As already discussed, excess weight contributes to urinary incontinence, as the fat around the hips and areas of the abdomen puts additional pressure on the bladder. With this ingredient you can make a homemade recipe: mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, and add a little honey. Drink 2 or 3 times a day until you are satisfied with the results. Cleavers It is an herb found in North America and Europe. It is considered as a substitute for coffee and has similar properties but in this case, it acts as a tonic for the bladder wall and helps the detrusor maintain its adequate tonicity with respect to the sphincters of the urethra. Protects against bladder irritation by forming a soft layer along the bladder. Place 2 to 3 teaspoons of this herb in a cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and drink this tea 3 times a day until improvement is noticeable. It is important to note that there are toning exercises called Kegel exercises that consist of doing voluntary movements anywhere, preferably sitting, as if you were stopping urine while urinating. This will allow the pelvic floor muscles to tone and improve incontinence. It may help to use topical pain relievers or take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Stay physically active and follow a fitness program focusing on moderate exercise. Stretch before exercising to maintain a good range of motion in your joints. Keep your body weight within a healthy range. This will lessen stress on the joints. If your pain isn’t due to arthritis, you can try taking a nonprescription, anti-inflammatory drug, getting a massage, taking a warm bath, stretching frequently, and getting adequate rest. Joint Guard 360 Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 06, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
It is common for people in their day to day to feel a little fatigue or tiredness, it is a sensation that is experienced in some way and at some point. However, when talking about chronic fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome, we are referring to a type of pathological fatigue. This is a complex disease that is characterized primarily by deep, severe, debilitating and severe (physical and mental) fatigue or fatigue, which persists for six or more months and is oscillating in nature and without any specific apparent cause. This syndrome is classified and codified in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition). It has been classified by the WHO (World Health Organization) as a new recurrent disease and is a highly prevalent phenomenon in today's society. Although it has been associated with many diseases, chronic fatigue is of its own interest due to the possible implications it has on the health and personal well-being of the sufferer, since it can cause significant disturbances, such as disability, loss of work, or reduction of fatigue. social activities. Types of fatigue It is important not to confuse chronic fatigue syndrome with other types of existing fatigue, the definition of the type of fatigue will depend on its evolution or time, causes: 1. Physiological fatigue: occurs after intense physical or mental exercise and always recovers with rest or cessation of activity. 2. Reactive fatigue: is triggered by a certain situation and improves by avoiding the triggering cause. 3. Pathological fatigue: it is generated without a clear relationship with a previous effort or persists despite stopping the activity that originated it, it does not improve with rest. Regarding the duration time: the feeling of fatigue can be defined as acute (<1 week), transitory (<1 month), prolonged (> 1 month) and chronic (> 6 months). Regarding the cause of fatigue: it is called secondary if it is caused by an organic or psychological disease when its cause can be identified and idiopathic in the opposite case. Symptoms of chronic fatigue The main characteristics are intense physical and mental fatigue with a persistence of at least six months, which significantly affects the development of the person in their occupational, social and personal activities and is usually accompanied by symptoms similar to cold, as well as sleep not restorative. In addition, it must be accompanied by more than 4 of the following symptoms: · Difficulty concentrating and memory loss. · Constant sore throat · Lymphadenopathy · Muscle pain. · Joint pain. · Migraines of new appearance or of characteristics different from the usual one. · Unrefreshing sleep. · Fatigue after exertion (physical or mental) that persists more than 24 hours after it. In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, you may have additional symptoms such as: · Eye pain, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision. · Psychological problems (irritability, mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks). · Chills and night sweats. · Low-grade fever. · Irritable colon. · Allergies and sensitivities to foods, smells, noise, chemicals, or medications. · Numbness, tingling, or burning sensation in the face or extremities. · Difficulty maintaining an erect position, balance problems, and fainting. Causes of chronic fatigue The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is not well known and probably deviates from conventional disease models. Furthermore, the cause or causes of this syndrome are not well defined and some researchers affirm that the etiology is multifactorial. There is also a controversy about whether the origin of this disease is organic or psychological, but there is increasing data that support the hypothesis that its origin is organic. Some researchers affirm that it is possible that it is a post-viral infection disease, in which some predisposed people maintain a situation of latent viral infection, in which there is a continuous production of inflammatory substances that would lead to the development and maintenance of symptoms aforementioned. It is generally related to Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus or herpesvirus type 6 infections, although other viruses and bacteria can also develop it. After this acute phase, the person does not recover and persists with fatigue, low-grade fever, muscle pain, and decreased activity. In some cases, muscle biopsies have been performed and they show no structural alterations, but other techniques have detected the presence of viral material in the muscle tissue of more than half of the patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. It is believed that these are defective type viruses (which cannot reproduce without the help of another virus) that do not significantly injure the cell, but that cause an energetic alteration that alters its functionality, producing fatigue. In this phase, different immunological alterations that are not specific have also been described; these alterations would justify the chronic inflammatory symptoms and the frequent intercurrent infections that these patients present. Diabetes is a fairly common lifestyle disease, but while it can’t be cured, it can be controlled. Diabetes arises due to abnormally high blood sugar levels. The insulin produced by the pancreas are responsible for maintaining glucose levels in the blood. Absence or insufficient production of insulin or an inability to properly utilise insulin causes diabetes. Glucose1 Pills Reviews
fiona basil
Sep 04, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
When and how often we shower depends mainly on our preferences. However, doctors recommend that you shower or wash at night rather than in the morning, and not necessarily every day. Should we shower every day? There is no official protocol on how often everyone around the world bathes, however, in countries like India, the US, Spain and Mexico, they bathe approximately once a day (with soap or without soap). him), according to Euromonitor International. According to David Leffell of the Yale School of Medicine, more important than how often we shower is how long it lasts and what the water temperature is. The more we wash and the hotter the water, the worse it is for us. More precisely, for our skin, which with this treatment becomes dry, more susceptible to damage and allergies. How long should the wash last? Leffell, who is a dermatologist, believes that a 3-minute bath is sufficient. In an interview with Business Insider, he emphasizes that showering is about getting rid of dirt, not about removing our body odor. He also adds that it is enough to concentrate on the armpits and crotch, and that in other parts of the body we should not abuse the use of soap. He also points out that since we regularly shed the protective layer of natural oils and sebum from our skin, we need to hydrate it immediately after getting out of the shower. Especially if we are used to showering in hot or not very warm water. The higher the water temperature, the more dry the skin will be. Hygiene needs according to the different stages of life The American Academy of Dermatology advises parents on how often babies bathe, based on how dirty and smelly they get. If they are not too dirty from playing, the recommendation is a bath at least once or twice a week for children between the ages of 6 and 11. Their small developing immune systems need some dirt to grow strong. But once we hit 12, the official bathing guide stops. The AAD seems to assume that almost everyone is trying to get rid of those uncomfortable teenage odors, and that most people have a daily shower routine by the time they hit puberty. A person's bathroom needs change throughout his life, however circumstances such as a pandemic do not require a drastic measure such as complete decontamination of the body, every day. Hygiene and healthy distance measures consist of washing hands and taking care of the distance with other people. Babies The American Academy of Pediatrics says that the common practice of bathing babies daily is not really necessary. They suggest that the time to start regular whole-body washes is when babies crawl and begin to eat. Children According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, although daily bathing is safe for children ages 6 to 11, they only need to bathe every few days. Once young people reach puberty, the frequency with which they need to shower will vary from person to person. Many people suggest that daily showering is necessary at this time, but this is a personal matter and not a medical recommendation. Teenagers Many teens are very physically active, and showers are a good idea after strenuous sporting events or practices, including swimming, exercise, and other physical activities. Older adults The previously simple act of taking a shower can sometimes be more challenging for older adults. Older adults may not require a shower every day to maintain the level of cleanliness necessary to protect their skin, prevent infection, and meet general standards of grooming. Bathing once or twice a week can often be enough to meet these criteria, and people can use warm washcloths to keep cool. Older adults who can no longer bathe can maintain their independence by getting help with their daily activities from caregivers. Negative effects of bathing every day if not necessary · The bathroom primarily eliminates odors, rather than reducing people's risk of illness. · Showering excessively can reduce the hydration of the skin, leaving it dry and chapped. · Washing removes the 'good' bacteria from the skin that support the immune system. · Cracked skin can allow germs that cause infections to enter the body. Showering daily is not really necessary " I think the shower is primarily for cosmetic reasons," an infectious disease expert and associate dean. " People think they are bathing for hygiene or to be cleaner, but bacteriologically, that is not the case." The investigation of Larson has shown that antibacterial soaps and cleaning products that many people use in their homes are no better than plain soap to reduce the risk of infectious diseases. And when it comes to showering, all that scrubbing and scrubbing doesn't amount to much. " Bathing will remove the odor if you're stinky or have been to the gym,". But in terms of protection against disease, it is probably appropriate to wash your hands regularly to avoid contagion. How to shower properly so as not to damage the skin? These simple 3 steps can make the difference to get a shower that does not affect our skin and favors our hygiene. 1. Keep the water temperature warm, not hot. 2. Brief is better. It is recommended to be 3 minutes under the nozzle of the spoon, not 30 minutes. 3. Moisturize your skin when you go out, because applying a lotion while the skin is still damp can block moisture from escaping into the skin. You can usually get rid of body dirt in less than 3 minutes by focusing on the armpits and groin, without overdoing it with soap on the other parts of the body (and less scented soaps). Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high levels of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. With high cholesterol, you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Eventually, these deposits grow, making it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. Sometimes, those deposits can break suddenly and form a clot that causes a heart attack or stroke. High cholesterol can be inherited, but it's often the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices, which make it preventable and treatable. A healthy diet, regular exercise and sometimes medication can help reduce high cholesterol. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy
fiona basil
Sep 03, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
We all like to eat, but experimenting with foods whose preparation and hygiene are unknown makes us safe victims of food poisoning, especially if you eat them on the street. Ways to get food poisoning There are many ways to get intoxicated with food and it is necessary to know how to prevent it, since the stomach and intestine are the first to suffer this problem, which can become worse if it is not treated correctly. 1. You ate in a place whose quality you do not know The location of a food outlet is important when ordering your food. If you go to a place very far from the sea, we suggest that you do not order seafood. Although in most of these places they take precautions in the preparation, to avoid that you can poison yourself with food, the ideal is to prevent. If you still decide to eat them and feel an upset stomach, you may be suffering from food poisoning. 2. You drank raw water In some countries the water has been contaminated by toxic waste. However, it is easily accessible since it passes through the pipes of our homes, jobs and educational institutions, so it is preferable that you purify it before taking it, whether you boil it or use purifying tablets. Especially with children, it is necessary to always have purified water, as their restless nature keeps them active at all times. That is why they are always thirsty and want to drink water at all times. When you go out for a walk with them, take a bottle of purified water with you, this is the best way to be prevented from poisoning by drinking contaminated water, something much more common than you think. 3. You asked for a salad to take care of the diet Eating salads does not always bring health benefits and we refer mainly to the hygiene of the place where you plan to eat it. If in the country where you are there are problems of contaminated water or a great drought caused by various situations, you should immediately ask yourself how have the vegetables or fruits on your plate been washed? Although it may be uncomfortable for you, ask the innkeeper if they have a water tank or if they use purified water. If you prefer to avoid having to interview the waiter, then your best option is to ask if they have cooked vegetable salad, but it is always better to make salads at home. 4. You cook regularly in the microwave Although the use of the microwave is not the most recommended, it can be useful for those who do not have that much time, but it is necessary that you know that regularly heating food in the microwave can cause food poisoning. The main reason is that food that has already been cooked and also stays in the refrigerator overnight can get bacteria. How to avoid food poisoning We suggest some tips to avoid food poisoning, whether you eat them on the street or those that you cook at home, you should pay attention to the following tips. Food poisoning can happen at the most unexpected time. Use caution when choosing where to eat, especially where they sell cookouts, school cafeterias, large social gatherings, or restaurants. Although this condition is not serious, it can definitely be very uncomfortable and interrupt your daily life for several days until you get better. Foods to be careful with 1. Raw sprouts are often included in salads, and if they are not properly washed, they can trigger food poisoning, so you should be careful with them. 2. The cooked meat is also a possible source of intoxication for the organism, Salmonella is a bacteria that is normally present in raw meats, and cause serious health problems. You should also be careful with white meats, chicken and fish. 3. Raw or undercooked eggs, again here the problem of salmonella can occur, although its contamination has decreased, it is always necessary to take precautions and in the case of consuming them, they must be well cooked. 4. Avoid eating raw oysters, especially those bought on the street. It is also necessary to be careful in hygiene, having your hands washed and hair tied when preparing meals, it is essential to avoid food poisoning. Precautions should also be taken with the use of expired foods, foods that do not smell good and have a spoiled taste. The keto diet is customized to regulate the insulin spike. Even a balanced low-calorie meal with moderate macromolecule can turn out glucose and thereby push the duct gland to provide insulin. “This diet excludes all food classes that may be copied to make a lot of glucose than the body needs to take care of its regular blood glucose level (80-110mg/dl). In fact, as a result of there'll be a glucose deficit, the body can haven't any alternative however to begin burning out keep fats (visceral and peripheral) to provide energy and guarantee regular blood sugar levels. Athlete Pharm Keto
fiona basil
Sep 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
It's no secret that a problem of drug deaths is increasingly being grappled with. But according to a scientist, there is a certain pain reliever that is taking more lives than even heroin. Tramadol is guilty of taking more lives than illegal drugs. You may know Tramadol somewhere as its brand names - Ultram or ConZip. The medicine prescribed by the doctor is similar to an opiate. It is usually prescribed for pain relief. Tramadol works in the brain, specifically the focal sensory system. It changes the way the body feels and reacts to pain. While the pain reliever is effective if taken as prescribed, the problem arises when patients mix the prescribed medication with alcohol or other medications. Specialists in Northern Ireland connected 33 deaths to Tramadol last year alone. Crane explained: “I can't imagine how people don't recognize how conceivably dangerous taking Tramadol is. I think this is because it is a drug that is still prescribed by many doctors - people accept that it is safe. Side effects of Tramadol Oddly enough, Tramadol has a long list of possible side effects. Reactions to medication can include: · Threw up · Dizziness · Severe stomach upset · Fainting · Rashes, tingling, or swelling · Constipation · Headaches · Hallucinations · Difficulty urinating · Loss of hunger · Attacks · Slow or shallow breaths Patients taking Tramadol are increasingly dependent on its ability to relieve pain, as are opioids. If Tramadol is taken in excess, a patient can become physically and mentally dependent on the drug. Tramadol deaths mainly occur from patients mixing the drug with other drugs or substances. In Northern Ireland, Tramadol was rebranded and made illegal without a prescription. Many scientists, like Crane, are now pushing for stricter limitations on the dangerous drug. If you are a consumer of this drug, ask your doctor for more in-depth information about it or look for sources of information that can help you more strictly to see if you should eliminate its consumption immediately. An erection problem occurs when a man cannot get or keep an erection that is firm enough for intercourse. You may not be able to get an erection at all. Or, you may lose the erection during intercourse before you are ready. Erection problems do not usually affect your sex drive. Erection problems are common. Almost all adult men have trouble getting or keeping an erection at one time or another. Often the problem goes away with little or no treatment. But for some men, it can be an ongoing problem. This is called erectile dysfunction (ED). Aizen Power
fiona basil
Sep 01, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Halitosis better known as bad breath or bad oral odor is the term used to describe the offensive odor that comes from the oral cavity, frequently associated with poor oral hygiene or diseases of the oral cavity, but it can also be related to severe systemic diseases that they need a specific diagnosis and treatment. Most people suffer from a bad mouth odor at some point in their life. Halitosis patients are often unaware of it because of the inability to smell their own breath, or because they are used to their breath. Breath can change for various reasons, and bad breath can appear temporarily in some moments and situations of daily life, or be persistent and / or pathological and be caused by oral or systemic conditions as initially explained. Types of halitosis (bad breath) · Pseudohalitosis: is the halitosis perceived by the patient in which there are no clinical signs of real halitosis. · Halitophobia: when once the causes have been eliminated and the problem solved, the patient persists in considering himself to be suffering from halitosis. · True halitosis: it can be divided into physiological halitosis and pathological halitosis that may or may not be of oral origin. True halitosis Most of the mouth odor has its origin in local oral factors that produce a high microbial metabolism, which causes the emission of volatile molecules responsible for the bad smell. Studies affirm that 80-90% of bad breath is of oral origin. True halitosis, in turn, can be classified as physiological and pathological. Physiological halitosis It is of oral origin and is related to the covering of the surface of the tongue, it is easily solved with oral hygiene measures. · Morning breath: the flow of saliva decreases while we sleep, this facilitates the uncontrolled growth of bacteria that produce a smelly gas. · Age: breath changes with age. From adolescence to middle age, it becomes progressively rougher. · Dental prostheses: orthodontics and prosthetics can accumulate food debris. · Saliva: the level of mouth odor is inversely proportional to the flow of saliva. · Tobacco: creates a characteristic breath, which can even last more than a day after smoking. · Diet: certain foods such as garlic or onion can cause a bad mouth odor. Pathological halitosis Its cause can be oral or extraoral. It is chronic, it is not resolved only with oral hygiene, although it can be masked for short periods of time. · Poor oral hygiene: dental plaque (tartar) and food particles that allow bacterial growth. The lingual origin of halitosis is the most frequent in the absence of gum disease. · Cavities: Large cavities with accumulation of food cause great bad breath. · Chronic periodontal disease and gingivitis: gum disease is the most common cause, despite the fact that most people with a bad mouth odor do not suffer from this disease. It is produced by the deposit of bacteria in the plaque of the teeth. The presence of active inflammation and hemorrhage accentuates the rotting process. · Tooth abscess: they can cause a bad smell coming specifically from the affected tooth. · Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: it is one of the variants of gum disease but much more aggressive, it produces a typical metallic smell. Treatment Ideally, identify the source of bad breath so that you can develop an appropriate treatment plan. The following are general measures that will help improve or even eradicate bad breath: · Good oral hygiene and that the teeth are in good condition are the best methods. Use of dental floss, fluoride pastes; cleaning the tongue as well as the palate should be done in conjunction with brushing. Vigorous brushing of the tongue at night and in the morning helps reduce morning odor. · Dentures and other prosthetic materials should also be removed and cleaned at least once a day. A biannual visit to the dentist is advised. · A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low in fat and meat, reduces halitosis. · To avoid the use of tobacco. · Drink enough water to avoid dry mouth and reduce the consumption of drinks high in caffeine. · Chewing gum helps reduce oral odor by increasing salivary flow. · The use of mouthwashes, it is recommended to use them before sleeping, since the remains of the product remain in the mouth at night, which is when the bacterial activity is greater, and the flow of saliva is less. · Pathological halitosis of oral origin is mainly caused by gum disease, as well as deficiencies in prosthetic material that can increase the accumulation of food and waste material. Therefore, the treatment is dental combined with general measures. It is important to see your doctor or treating dentist if you notice persistent symptoms or a bad mouth odor related to a systemic disease. Coconut oil Trusted Source contains fatty acids that penetrate inside the hair shaft and reduce protein loss from hair. Coconut oil can be used either before or after you wash your hair depending on your hair type. If your hair tends to be oily, you can do a leave-in treatment overnight or for a few hours before you wash it. Massage coconut oil into your scalp and all of your hair. If your hair is dry, you can also use it as a leave-in treatment. There needs to be more research on coconut oil as a promoter of hair growth, but it’s been shown to improve the health and luster of hair and has been used for centuries. TressAnew
fiona basil
Aug 30, 2021
In Rules and Regulations
In the wake of the recent health crisis, many people are wondering what they can do to increase oxygen levels in their blood naturally. In a healthy environment, our cells rejuvenate each night while we sleep and have normal oxygen levels. However, in a toxic environment, cells lose oxygen because they do not have the energy to repair the body. Low oxygen levels can weaken the immune system, making you more vulnerable to disease and illness. Having more oxygen in the body will give you more energy, vitality and youth, since you will have more resistance. Low oxygen levels usually result from a lack of fitness or a poor diet, which can improve with time and effort. Low levels of oxygen in the blood, or hypoxemia, can indicate problems with breathing or circulation. What happens when your oxygen levels get very low? When the oxygen in your blood falls below a certain level, you may experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, confusion, or restlessness. Common causes of hypoxemia include: · Being at a high altitude. · Anemia. · ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). · Asthma. · Congenital heart defects in children. · Congenital heart disease in adults. · Exacerbation of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). · Emphysema. · Interstitial lung disease. · Pulmonary edema (excess fluid in the lungs). · Medications, such as certain narcotics and anesthetics that depress breathing. · Pneumonia. · Pneumothorax (lung collapse). · Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in an artery in the lung). · Pulmonary fibrosis (scarred and damaged lungs). · Sleep apnea. Of course, some of these conditions will require additional attention, and your doctor may recommend supplemental oxygen. However, in the case of mild oxygen deprivation, you can usually treat it naturally by making some lifestyle improvements, which we will list below. How to increase oxygen levels in the body Here are eight ways to increase oxygen in the body naturally: 1. Exercise frequently Unfortunately, today many people lead a sedentary lifestyle, which means that their lung capacity will decrease due to its lack of use. Aerobic exercise can help your body absorb more oxygen as you breathe deeply, and you will also expel more carbon dioxide. Not to mention, your heart will become healthier by pumping more oxygen to the muscles that need it and increasing circulation throughout your body. As you begin an exercise routine, you may feel out of breath while exercising as you do not have a significant respiratory reserve. However, the more you exercise, the better your lung capacity and the higher your oxygen levels. Start with at least three 30-minute sessions of moderate to intense aerobic exercise per week. Make sure to incorporate weight training as well for a full body workout. 2. Eat more oxygen-rich foods If you eat mostly processed or cooked foods, you won't get the benefits of the antioxidants found in raw fruits and vegetables. Raw food contains more vital energy, which will increase oxygen levels in the blood. Hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, helps carry oxygen throughout the body. If you want to increase your oxygen levels, be sure to eat foods rich in hemoglobin so that you have a higher number of red blood cells. According to Harvard Health, some specific nutrients, listed below, increase the production of blood cells in the body: · 2 milligrams of copper · 18 milligrams of iron · 5,000 international units of vitamin A · 7 milligrams of riboflavin (vitamin B2) · 20 milligrams of niacin (vitamin B3) · 10 milligrams of vitamin B5 · 2 milligrams of vitamin B6 · 400 micrograms of folic acid (vitamin B9) · Six micrograms of cobalamin (vitamin B12) In addition to these nutrients, vitamin C, D, and K, as well as calcium, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium have been found to help regulate oxygen levels in the blood. Foods rich in minerals that increase hemoglobin include beef liver, oysters, crab, turkey organs, salmon, chocolate, potatoes, cashews, and sesame seeds. Iron helps increase oxygen in the blood and comes in two forms: heme and non-heme. Animal products like beef, oysters, duck, and lamb have heme iron, while fruits, vegetables, and grains have non-heme. The National Institutes of Health recommends eating 1.8 times the standard amount of iron if it comes exclusively from non-heme sources. Foods rich in vitamins that you can include: Foods rich in vitamins that increase hemoglobin include the following: · Dairy products · Eggs · Sweet potatoes · Spinach · Carrots · pumpkin · Cow meat · Seafood · Chicken · Turkey · Grain · Walnuts · Shiitake mushrooms · Sunflower seeds · Bananas · Cow liver · Vegetables · Avocados · Brussels sprouts · Seafood · Chickpeas 3. Place plants around your house While studies have not been conclusive about the ability of plants to purify the air in homes, research shows that indoor plants can relax the sympathetic nervous system. Thanks to this, your breathing will begin to slow down, allowing more oxygen to enter your lungs. Not to mention, plants add warmth and happiness to any home environment, and a better mood can make a big difference to your overall health. 4. Practice breathing exercises This is perhaps one of the best ways to increase oxygen levels. Breathing exercises can also lower cortisol and decrease mental restlessness. Pranayama, or yogic breathing, helps increase oxygen levels because your breaths become much deeper and slower. This practice helps purify the body by expelling more carbon, making the blood less toxic. To do this exercise, you must breathe deeply from your diaphragm and exhale slowly. Breathe in through your nose for at least six seconds, hold the air for a few seconds, and release it for another six seconds. Of course, if you feel uncomfortable, you can decrease the amount of time you inhale, hold, and exhale; Over time, it will get easier. Keep your mind focused on your breathing, as mindfulness helps reduce cortisol and therefore increase oxygen. 5. Avoid smoking You should avoid harmful habits such as smoking, which only decrease lung capacity and can cause lung diseases such as COPD. Smoking also causes high blood pressure and heart disease, which means that your organs will have to work harder to carry oxygen throughout the body. Additionally, smoking destroys small air sacs in the lungs that allow oxygen to exchange. Not to mention, smoking can lead to cancer as it destroys DNA and increases free radicals in the body. Many people report that after just a few days of quitting, they feel healthier and can breathe much easier due to the lack of toxins being ingested. 6. Take supplements that increase oxygen While most people have just the right amount of oxygen in their body to function, people with anemia and other illnesses need more oxygen. Eating lots of fruits, vegetables, meats, and other whole foods may help, but if you're not getting enough fresh foods in your diet, supplements may be necessary. Iron especially can be of great help because it promotes the production of hemoglobin in the body, which carries oxygen to the lungs and other organs. If you don't get enough iron, you run the risk of developing anemia, which can lead to fatigue and weakness. You can also consider taking citrulline, which helps increase nitric oxide in the body. This improves the dilation of blood vessels, increasing circulation and the availability of oxygen in the cells of the body. Finally, beet supplements can increase oxygen levels as they contain high amounts of nitrate, which is converted to nitric oxide. Like citrulline, it helps decrease the amount of oxygen the body needs. 7. Meditate Since meditation involves slowing down your breathing and becoming more aware of your breathing, you will naturally receive better oxygen levels as you practice it more. Studies have shown that meditation can help increase arterial and brain oxygen saturation, as well as lower blood pressure and basal respiration. Because circulation improves when you practice meditation, increased blood flow allows more oxygen to move throughout the body. And this is just one of the reasons to start meditation practice on a regular basis! Living a diabetic life is a challenge. You need to constantly monitor your diet and ensure that your blood sugar level is well under control. One of the major diseases affecting millions and millions of people in the country today, diabetes is life-long and deadly. It is a condition when the hormone called insulin that is produced by the pancreas is unable to break down glucose into energy, and as such, the blood sugar level increases in the body. What one eats plays a crucial role for diabetics, and monitoring it constantly along with following regular meal schedule ca help tremendously. Physical activity is a must too to ensure that insulin is utilized by the body. Nucentix GS-85
fiona basil
Aug 21, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
When you think of rosemary, you can imagine those dry, pointy bits you find in the spice aisle at your grocery store. Although not everyone likes things dry, fresh rosemary is nevertheless a very aromatic and flavorful addition to many dishes and has been a popular herb in cooking for many years with many other uses. Five ways to use rosemary as food You may be familiar with rosemary in your potatoes, but what you might not know is that this delicious herb has a number of uses, not just in the kitchen, but also in your medicine cabinet, your skincare routine, and at home. Rosemary in vinegars and oils Infusing rosemary vinegar or oil is a delicious and simple way to preserve the flavor of rosemary without spoiling the herb. Both can be used in any recipe that calls for oil or vinegar, and the oil can be used as a delicious topping for warm, crusty bread. Rosemary in sauces and soups Whole sprigs of rosemary can easily be added to any soup, stew, sauce, or marinade to add a hint of flavor. Rosemary pairs well with many other ingredients like citrus, butter, oil, balsamic, garlic, and pepper, and is especially good in more hearty soups with tubers like potatoes, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Herb butter Flavored butter can add a whole new dimension to your kitchen and is a delicious alternative to regular butter on a piece of warm bread. Rosemary in drinks Rosemary can add a flavorful touch to some of your favorite drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Whether you're trying to spice up your water glass or want to impress your guests with a unique cocktail, rosemary makes a great addition to many drinks. Rosemary desserts Rosemary pairs very well with fruits and sweeter flavors, such as lemon and apple, and can even be paired with dark chocolate for a surprising and elegant dessert. Five ways to use rosemary medicinally Rosemary is an exceptional herb for treating health issues. As a natural remedy it is very useful and should not be missing in your natural remedies kit. Consider the following benefits of rosemary for different conditions. Relieves anxiety and stress There have been some studies that have shown that inhaling rosemary oil decreases the pulse rate during stressful situations (such as test writing). Since the pulse rate reflects short-term stress, rosemary oil can help reduce stress naturally. In another study, participants who inhaled rosemary oil for five minutes had 23 percent lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva than those who did not. Improves brain function Although more research is needed to confirm this, some research has been done to show that inhaling rosemary oil helps prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, which is a brain chemical important for thinking, concentration, and memory. Additionally, there is some research to suggest that breathing rosemary oil may help improve brain function in patients with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. High in antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds Rosemary tea contains rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, which are polyphenolic compounds that demonstrate antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. These compounds also have antimicrobial properties to help fight infection and have even shown potential to slow the growth of cancerous tumors. Pain relief An animal study has been conducted that suggests that rosemary oil may be a slightly more effective pain reliever than acetaminophen. Another study conducted in human shoulder pain stroke survivors also showed benefits. Participants experienced a 30 percent reduction in pain after combining rosemary aromatherapy with acupuncture. This was compared to 15 percent for those who only received acupuncture treatment alone. Reduce inflammation of the joints More research is needed on the impact of rosemary on joint inflammation, but there is preliminary evidence to suggest that rosemary oil may help reduce tissue inflammation associated with pain and swelling by stopping the migration of white blood cells into the joints. injured tissues to release inflammatory chemicals. This could be potentially beneficial for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Three ways rosemary can be used on the body There are several ways in which rosemary can be used in the body to take advantage of its benefits. These are just some that you can put into practice now. It stimulates hair growth Rosemary oil can treat androgenetic alopecia (male-pattern baldness) by preventing a by-product of testosterone from attacking hair follicles, and rubbing rosemary oil to the scalp twice daily has been shown to stimulate growth. hair related. Increase circulation If you suffer from Raynaud's disease (which affects circulation), or you just find that your hands and feet are always cold, massaging a rosemary oil mixture into your hands can help warm them up. Rosemary oil may help to expand blood vessels, warming the blood so that it more easily reaches the fingers and toes, but more research is needed. Fight acne Rosemary's antibacterial and antimicrobial properties make it particularly beneficial in treating many skin problems. Rosemary extract from the whole plant has been shown to reduce inflammation associated with acne and fight the bacteria that cause acne breakouts. Two ways rosemary can be used in the home But everything does not stay there. Rosemary is great to be used in the home because its properties warrant it. Do you want to know how you can use the magic of this herb at home? Check out the following examples: Pots over low heat If you want your home to smell amazing, a simple slow cooker is an easy, chemical-free way to do it. All you have to do is fill a pot with water, add your favorite aromatics, and let it simmer on the stove, adding more water as it gradually evaporates. Rosemary, sliced oranges, blueberries, and cinnamon will give your home a holiday-inspired scent, while a simple pot of lemon and rosemary will make your home smell bright and fresh. Pest control Rosemary acts as a repellent for many pests and insects. You can place sprigs of rosemary next to your doors and windows to prevent them from entering your home, or use a spray of ten drops of rosemary oil mixed with a cup of water. Rosemary can also be a mouse deterrent, and some suggest placing a few twigs in the back of cabinets, where mice normally like to hide. While many of the benefits of rosemary require further study, it is generally considered safe to use and has very few side effects. Remember when using rosemary extract or oil that it is highly concentrated, so you only need a few drops. Rosemary essential oil should not be used internally and should generally be diluted in a solution or carrier oil when applied to the skin. As always, check with your doctor before adding anything new to your health regimen, and if you notice any negative side effects, stop using it immediately. Regular physical activities help in improving your sensitivity to insulin, i.e. it will help in improving its working in the body. As a result, the blood sugar level becomes more stable. Moreover exercise also helps in easing your stress level and regulating diabetes sugar levels. If you were not active till now, start now. Start slowly and gradually increase your exercising time. Keep a target of exercising for four to seven days in a week for at least 30 minutes. Vivo Tonic Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
Aug 21, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Omega-3 fatty acids are known to be good for heart health, but did you know that in high doses they can also slow down cognitive decline and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s? Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation has been extensively studied as a therapeutic intervention. And it's showing promise in treating neurological conditions like bipolar disorder and major depression. In a search for safe and effective treatment options for cognitive decline, researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) tested omega-3 supplementation to determine its effectiveness in slowing the progression of Alzheimer's. There is significant research supporting the preventive potential of omega-3 fatty acids. However, there are no data on the specific dose required to achieve benefits in fighting cognitive decline. Volunteers help science fight Alzheimer's Study volunteers were required to undergo two lumbar punctures. In which a hollow needle pierces the lower back. Blood draws were also required. This to determine the amount of omega-3 supplement that is absorbed by the central nervous system. Compared to that which remains circulating in the bloodstream. A procedure was carried out at the beginning to establish the reference levels, and another was carried out at the end of the study period. The researchers collected these samples from blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. This to assess whether omega-3s had reached the brain and, if so, in what amounts. They measured the levels of two different omega-3 fatty acids: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The trial consisted of 33 participants with risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Including family history of AD, sedentary lifestyle, and a diet low in fatty fish. At the time of the intervention, none of the participants had cognitive impairment. Of the 33 participants in total, 15 carried the APOE4 genetic variant, which is linked to inflammation in the brain and increases the risk of developing AD by a factor of four or more. The other 18 participants were not carriers of this variant. The participants were organized into two groups: control and treatment. The treatment group took DHA supplements of more than 2 grams daily for six months. The control group took identical daily placebo capsules for the same period of time. Both groups took B-complex vitamins daily for optimal omega-3 metabolic processing. Genetics can affect omega-3 absorption At the end of the six-month intervention period and the analysis of the biofluid samples, participants in the treatment group who took omega-3 supplements had 200% more DHA in their blood compared to the control group. DHA levels in cerebrospinal fluid were 28% higher in the treatment group than in the control group. It is indicating an absorption rate of omega-3 in the brain much lower than the detectable in the bloodstream. Among individuals in the treatment group without the APOE4 gene mutation that increases the risk of Alzheimer's, three times more anti-inflammatory EPA was detected in cerebrospinal fluid than in those with the APOE4 variant. This finding indicates that people with risk factors for AD may need higher doses of omega-3 fatty acids to reach therapeutic levels in the brain. The research team concluded that even higher doses of omega-3 fatty acids may be required to slow the progression of Alzheimer's and signs of cognitive decline in carriers of the APOE4 gene. The two-year study, to be conducted with 320 participants, has the short-term goal of establishing proof of concept that the drug is entering the brain and positively affecting biomarkers of the disease. Ultimately, researchers hope to identify and develop treatments to slow the progression of Alzheimer's. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Have Over 60 Known Benefits Fat consumption is a very common topic among health experts. However, the idea of healthy fats versus unhealthy fats is no longer considered controversial. And omega-3 fatty acids are possibly the best known of the "good" fats. If you prefer to obtain healthy fats from food sources rather than supplements. Fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon are among the best sources of omega-3 fats. In addition to the benefits they have for brain health, eating fish and foods high in vitamin D and omega-3 can help you prevent heart attacks and avoid cancer. There are more than 60 known health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. A high-quality EPA supplement can even improve mood. Studies have shown that EPA is as effective as Prozac in treating major depressive disorder. A diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates (sugars) that causes the body to break down fat into molecules called ketones. Ketones circulate in the blood and become the main source of energy for many cells in the body. A ketogenic diet is used to treat some types of epilepsy and is being studied in the treatment of some types of cancer. Keto Lite supplement
fiona basil
Aug 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The nutrition of a person after 50 is crucial. It is arguably the most important factor in maintaining a healthy body at this age. You can't take much more abuse in the form of fast food, inactivity, and too much alcohol. The side effects are imminent. Therefore, changes in diet are imminent in women after 50. Women over 50 and new habits Good nutrition is essential throughout life, of course, but around and after age 50, changes occur within the body that make the foods you eat of particular importance. " As you age, you lose muscle mass, about 10 percent every decade after age 45,". "While you are losing muscle, you are more likely to gain body fat and require fewer calories." This is because muscle burns more calories than body fat, he adds. It’s also important to prioritize exercise, particularly resistance training, to help counteract that decline in metabolism that occurs with aging. You must prioritize nutrition to prevent heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions that are of more concern as people age. 1. Eat fatty fish Eating at least two 3.5-ounce servings of cooked fatty fish like salmon, tuna, or herring each week can help keep your heart health strong. These fish provide omega-3 fatty acids that help the heart. They are essential to a person's overall health and are promoted for their protective effects, especially on the brain, heart, and eyes. Add more plums to your diet Bone health is important as you age; About one-third of women and 20 percent of men over 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. Eating prunes helps to strengthen bone health and maintain healthy bones. In fact, eating five to six plums a day has been shown to help prevent bone loss, according to a study conducted in Osteoporosis International. Add them to a salad, or make jam or even brownies with them. The bone-protective effects of dried plum in postmenopausal women have been supported by several animal studies and confirmed in randomized controlled trials. 2. Eat tomato sauce Surprisingly, this food helps prevent wrinkles. Tomatoes are red gems that provide the antioxidant lycopene. This antioxidant can help protect skin from wrinkles and other damage that occurs due to UV light, it adds. Cooked tomatoes are preferred because your body absorbs lycopene from them better. You can add tomato sauce to pasta or use it in a zucchini recipe. 3. Limit sugar as a primary diet change Of the dietary changes we should all make at any age, is limiting your intake of added sugar, and this becomes even more important as you age. Added sugar, like table sugar and brown sugar, should make up no more than 10 percent of your total calories. So, for a 2,000-calorie daily diet, this translates to about 12 teaspoons of added sugar. For the extra sugar you add to your day, it is recommended to use one that offers some nutrition like pure maple syrup. It is a unique sweetener because it contains over 60 health-supporting polyphenols, as well as the mineral manganese that helps with blood sugar and the B vitamin riboflavin. You can lightly sweeten the beans overnight, a muffin recipe, or the Maple-Dijon Salad Dressing. Even a very important recommendation would be to accustom our palate to the natural flavor of food, this will help us avoid even natural sweeteners, learning to consume drinks and foods without extra flavors. 4. Don't eat trans fats Although you want to avoid them at all times, doing so becomes even more important as you age. Before menopause, estrogen provides some protection against heart disease. But after menopause, women are at a higher risk for heart disease, and trans fats don't help at all - on the contrary, they are very harmful. Your weight will vary day to day as much as several pounds due to normal fluctuations in body water. So looking at your weight from one day to the next, or even one week to the next, does not accurately reflect weight loss. Dietary influences are just some of what can impact the number on the scale, whether a true weight change or just normal day-to-day fluctuations. Medications, hormones, exercise, and body composition changes additionally influence weight. Keto Genx
fiona basil
Jul 27, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
What does it really mean to talk while you sleep? Hearing someone talk in their sleep can be fun, but what are the psychological causes of this problem? It can make you smile to hear someone talking in their sleep, during the night, throwing themselves into real monologues with more or less understandable sentences; however, the disorder has a very precise name and characteristics, even from a psychological point of view. Sleepiness, the medical term for sleep-talking parasomnia, is very common in children, but often in adults as well. As for the smallest, it even affects 50% of them between the ages of 3 and 12 years, while around 5% of adults can suffer from it. The Somniloquy indifferently manifested both in the REM stage sleep and the NREM, with a precise distinction: if it appears in the first phase, in general, give complete sentences can, while during NREM characterized more grunting or confusing and unclear sentences. During REM sleep, the brain must "control" the motor activity of the muscles, and even the vocal cords must stop working; those who tend to speak dominated, however, can utter complete sentences during a dream, even leading a real dialogue; the Somniloquy can sometimes also be associated with other disorders sleep, such as sleep walking, in which the walking person asleep or night terrors especially present in childhood. What is the meaning of talking in your sleep Those who suffer from somniloquism often have a family history in which there are other cases similar to yours. Like other parasomnias, this seems to be related to a strong deep sleep, in which, in the presence of stimuli, the person manifests the disease instead of waking up. In children, the main causes of this sleep disorder refer mainly to fever, sleep apnea and sleep deprivation, while in adults, in addition to the two factors in common with children, depression is also associated, anxiety, stress, use of certain medications or alcohol consumption. Speaking in sleep or speaking in dreams is not usually a serious problem and almost never requires treatment, in some cases people may feel embarrassed or worried about the fear of saying something "indecent" during sleep, so this explains why many of they prefer to sleep alone, also potentially affecting the relationship. However, if the phenomenon appears suddenly in adulthood, it can be symptomatic of other psychological problems, so it is advisable to consult a specialist in such circumstances. What does psychology say about sleepiness? When talking in the dream is a symptom of a more serious problem, it is necessary to deepen the causes and eliminate them; For example, when it is concluded that the cause of sleepiness is an excessive level of stress or a state of anxiety or depression, it is appropriate and necessary to work precisely on these aspects, to promote a more restful sleep. If it's a problem in and of itself, it can often be helpful to create comforting habits before going to bed, such as listening to soothing music or taking a hot bath, obviously avoiding the use of stimulant substances at night and making sure that the room always has the same temperature, which is dark and quiet enough. Even going to bed at the same time as the partner can help. How to treat sleepiness If the parasomnia is mild, it can be treated with some relaxing teas and home relaxation methods and incorporate hot baths half an hour before going to sleep. But if it occurs sporadically or becomes severe, if the sleep-talking episodes occur every night or if they repeat several times during the same night, further evaluations are necessary. In severe cases, especially when associated with other parasomnias, the problem should be reported to the doctor to investigate the underlying causes of the disease, in order to try to reduce the frequency of the episodes and see if talking in sleep is not a symptom of a totally different disease. Oddly enough, it is also better to adjust the level of physical activity in the evening, which can be very high; It is also advisable to get help from your partner or, if you are a parent, to note when the episodes of sleepiness occur, and to provide the doctor with clues to work. When it occurs in aging people, somniloquia can be one of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, according to some studies, in fact, around 40% of people who suffer from sleep disorders during the REM phase could manifest this pathology. As it grows in popularity, it seems like CBD is popping up everywhere — from online companies to over-the-counter shops. You might have even tried a free sample to see if it works without investing anything more than the cost of shipping. Unfortunately, some of these products don’t have high-quality CBD. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t yet approved any non-prescription CBD products. Some scammers take full advantage of that fact by selling low-quality products that aren’t labeled accurately Keoni CBD Gummies
fiona basil
Jun 29, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
When you think of rosemary, you can imagine those spiky herbs you find in the spice aisle at your local grocery store. While not everyone loves dry-looking herbs, fresh rosemary is a very aromatic and flavorful addition to many dishes and has been a popular herb in cooking for many years with many other uses. You may be familiar with rosemary incorporated into your dishes, but what you may not know is that this delicious herb has several uses, not only in the kitchen, but also in the medicine cabinet, for routine skin care and in the home in general. Uses of rosemary in the kitchen By way of introduction, some of the main uses of rosemary in the kitchen and for dishes are mentioned. 1. In vinegars and oils Infusing rosemary vinegar or oil is a delicious and simple way to preserve the flavor of rosemary without spoiling the herb. Both can be used in any recipe that calls for oil or vinegar, and the oil can be used as a delicious topping for hot, crusty bread. 2. Sauces and Soups Whole sprigs of rosemary can easily be tossed into any soup, stew, sauce, or marinade to add a hint of flavor. Rosemary pairs well with many other ingredients such as citrus, butter, oil, balsamic, garlic, and pepper, and is especially good in more hearty soups with root vegetables like potatoes, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and carrots. 3. Herb butter Flavored butter can add a whole new dimension to your kitchen, and it's a delicious alternative to regular butter on a hot piece of bread. Besides it's easy to make! This Rosemary Garlic Butter recipe is just one example of a delicious butter infusion. 4. Drinks with rosemary A flavorful touch can be added to some of our favorite drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Whether you're trying to spice up a simple glass of water or want to impress your guests with a unique cocktail, rosemary makes a great addition to many drinks. 5. Rosemary for dessert Rosemary pairs very well with sweeter fruits and flavors like lemon and apple and can even be paired with dark chocolate for a surprisingly elegant dessert, like in rosemary and dark chocolate butter bars. How to use rosemary medicinally The herb has been hailed since ancient times for its medicinal properties. Rosemary was traditionally used to help relieve muscle pain, improve memory, boost the immune and circulatory system, and promote hair growth. 1. Relieves anxiety and stress There have been some studies that have shown that inhaling rosemary oil decreases the pulse rate during stressful situations (such as test writing). Since pulse rates reflect short-term stress, rosemary oil can help reduce stress naturally. In another study, participants who smelled rosemary oil for five minutes had 23% lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva than those who did not. 2. Improves brain function Although more research is needed to confirm this, there has been some research showing that inhaling rosemary oil helps prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, which is a chemical in our brain that is important for thinking, concentration, and memory. Additionally, there is some research to suggest that breathing rosemary oil may help improve brain function in patients with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. 3. Powerful anti-inflammatory Rosemary tea contains rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, which are polyphenolic compounds that demonstrate antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. These compounds also have antimicrobial properties to help fight infection and have even shown potential to slow the growth of cancerous tumors. 4. Pain relief There has been an animal study that suggests that rosemary oil may be a slightly more effective pain reliever than acetaminophen. Another study in stroke survivors with shoulder pain also showed benefits. Participants experienced a 30 percent reduction in pain after combining rosemary aromatherapy with acupuncture. This compared to 15 percent for those who only received acupuncture treatment. 5. Reduces joint inflammation More research is needed on the impact of rosemary on joint inflammation, but there is some preliminary evidence to suggest that rosemary oil may help reduce tissue inflammation associated with pain and swelling by stopping the migration of joints. white blood cells to injured tissues to release inflammatory chemicals. This could be potentially beneficial for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Uses of rosemary in our body As you could imagine, rosemary also provides benefits for the skin and hair, so some of its benefits for body care will be mentioned below. 1. Stimulates hair growth The rosemary oil can treat androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) to the prevent a byproduct of testosterone attack hair follicles, and has been shown to massage rosemary oil on the scalp twice a day stimulates the regeneration of hair. 2. Increase circulation If you have problems with Raynaud's disease (which makes circulation difficult), or you just find that your hands and feet are always cold, massaging a rosemary oil mixture into your hands can help warm them up. Rosemary oil may help expand your blood vessels, warming the blood so that it reaches your fingers and toes more easily. 3. Fight acne Rosemary's antibacterial and antimicrobial properties make it particularly beneficial in treating many skin problems. Whole plant rosemary extract has been shown to reduce inflammation associated with acne and fight bacteria that cause acne breakouts. While many of the benefits of rosemary require further study, it is generally considered safe to use and has very few side effects. Remember that when you use rosemary extract or oil, it is highly concentrated, so you only need a few drops. Rosemary essential oil should not be used internally and should generally be diluted in a solution or carrier oil when applied to the skin. Several studies in England have looked at the effects of a very low-calorie diet on diabetes. Two had people follow a mostly liquid diet of 625-850 calories a day for 2-5 months, followed by a less restricted diet designed to help them keep off the weight they lost. Both studies found that nearly half the people who took part reversed their diabetes and kept their blood glucose near the normal range for at least 6 months to a year. X-Factor Diet System
fiona basil
Jun 29, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Having to deal with pain when you have arthritis is only part of the battle. Treatment for this disease must also take into account the emotional impact it causes. The pain you experience with arthritis can definitely affect your mood. Sure, it's no surprise that constant joint pain, throbbing, burning, and stiffness can wreak havoc on our emotional well-being. Also, this pain can get in the way of many activities that bring you joy : you no longer want to exercise, you can't go out and have fun with friends and family; You may not even be able to do the simplest of household chores or attend to your basic needs when your joints are really giving you trouble. This is why many people experience depression and other mental health problems as a result of their arthritis, and why it is important to take care of your emotional health and your physical well-being simultaneously. The Mind-Body Connection When You Have Arthritis Grief and depression go hand in hand, and this relationship can feed itself. People in pain are often depressed because of their pain, and people with depression often experience physical pain and symptoms as a result of poor emotional health. The rate of depression among people with arthritis varies depending on the type of arthritis. For people with osteoarthritis, depression can be common. People waiting for a joint replacement have an overall depression rate of about 12 percent, according to a study in the journal Arthritis. And the rates are 2.5 times higher in people with six or more affected joints than in those with just one complaint. The connection between emotional health and arthritis pain flare-ups appears to be particularly strong in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Depression and stress are very common with RA, and persistent stress and chronic depression make arthritis pain and other symptoms worse. In fact, among people with rheumatoid arthritis, depending on the criteria used, the rate of depression can range from about 15 percent to nearly 39 percent, based on an analysis of 72 studies published in the September issue of Rheumatology. Viewed from another perspective, people with rheumatoid arthritis are 74 percent more likely to develop depression than those without RA. In a type of inflammatory arthritis like RA, pain caused by joint inflammation may appear before depression, but having depression afterward may mean that the patient experiences their pain more severely than a patient with similar degrees of inflammation without depression. Chronic pain clearly affects emotional and physical health, and it is difficult to find relief for one without treating the other. Simply put, chronic pain cannot be treated well without also addressing concurrent anxiety and depression. Mood disturbance is linked to poorer arthritis treatment outcomes among those with chronic pain and also to poorer general functioning, including greater pain-related disability. The good news is that stress management techniques and depression treatment can also help you manage your arthritis pain. Promote emotional health to control arthritis pain Sometimes you will feel hopeless or hopeless because of your arthritis. To promote your emotional health, start implementing these recommendations to eliminate stress: · Relax. Sure, easier said than done. truth? Well, not if you know how. Make sure you enjoy a quiet time that is completely stress-free - don't think about the things you should be doing, your health, or anything that could cause anxiety. Instead, focus fully on an activity that you enjoy, even if it's only for 15 minutes. · Breathe. Practice simple deep breathing techniques. Try to inhale and exhale deeply and slowly, letting all the muscles in your body relax. Have calm and peaceful thoughts. · Exercise. Moving, even in a limited way, will help your mind and body feel better, and you'll feel a sense of accomplishment as you get up and be active. Doing almost any type of activity can help reduce pain and depression, and getting the right amount of physical activity can also work wonders when it comes to arthritis. You will enjoy double benefits: Following an exercise routine will increase mental health and reduce chronic pain. Light yoga and Pilates are good ways to stretch your joints while calming your mind. But first get the go-ahead from your rheumatologist to make sure you're doing good activities for you. · Soak in a hot bath. This technique is not only great for relieving arthritis pain, but also for the spirit. Taking a nice soak in a bubbly tub is relaxing and luxurious, and can lift your spirits and spirits. Increase the relaxation factor by adding some candles and relaxing music during your bath. · Speaks. Having arthritis is not something to be ashamed of, and suppressing your feelings will only make you feel worse. Talk to friends, family, or members of a support group about what you are experiencing physically and emotionally; sometimes all you need to do is express your feelings to make yourself feel better about them. Ask for help in dealing with your emotional problems Understand that feeling over-stressed or anxious about the state of your health is not uncommon when you are dealing with a chronic illness. Not only does arthritis cause you significant pain, it can also deprive you of something vital: your independence. Not being able to get in your car and do your own shopping, clean your house, go for a walk, or even tie your shoes can be scary, frustrating, and depressing. It is essential that patients with arthritis and depression receive help from both a rheumatologist and a psychiatrist or psychologist for a comprehensive treatment plan. Just as arthritis medications are not one-size-fits-all, neither are the various psychiatric medications and interventions used to treat depression and anxiety. Mental health management is an important part of an arthritis treatment plan. When all aspects of pain are treated: depression, anxiety, sleep, pain, relationships, the results are optimal. These are the recommended management techniques: · Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which teaches you how to manage pain and deal with emotional health problems like anxiety. · Stress management techniques, including deep breathing and meditation, to help calm stressors that can make pain worse. · Biofeedback, a therapy that teaches control of the body's involuntary processes (such as heart rate) to help manage chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. Medication may also be an appropriate option. Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anticonvulsants, and benzodiazepines can help control pain and, depending on the type of medicine, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and trouble sleeping. Antidepressants, particularly SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and tricyclics, are responsible for altering pain perception and helping to stabilize moods. Another type of antidepressant, an SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor called Effexor (venlafaxine), is also being implemented as a way to control both pain and mood, although Harvard describes the evidence to date as " inconclusive". Don't stop getting help If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's time to talk to your medical team about your emotional well-being. Treating your emotional health is also part of their job, and since arthritis is so often affected, they have the expertise you need. Just as your arthritis pain can be treated, anxiety and depression can also be treated. It can be difficult to live with a disease like arthritis, but taking the right steps to improve your emotional health can also help ease your physical pain. If you live in a deregulated electricity market like Texas, Ohio or Connecticut, you can shop and save money on your electricity bill. The electricity plan you choose can make a big impact. Compare your current electricity rate to what you could be paying. And make sure you are on a fixed rate electricity plan to avoid paying off-contract rates. Energy Cube System
fiona basil
Jun 19, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Have you noticed that your husband or even your sons tend to have more energy when they get up, or that they get up before you? Perhaps this has an answer from science: Women tend to require more sleep than men because of their more "complex" brains, according to recent research. Why do women need more sleep than men? Scientists discovered that about 20 minutes more sleep is what a woman usually needs compared to a man, according to the scientists, this may be due to the woman's brain being exposed to greater stress and work during the day. The study was conducted in a cluster that enrolled 210 middle-aged men and women. Increased brain activity, longer recovery time During deep sleep, the cortex (the part of the brain responsible for memory, thought, language, among other functions) is detached from the senses and enters recovery mode. The amount of sleep is necessary according to the complexity and intensity of the brain activity to which it has been exposed during the day. The more the brain is used during the day, the more it needs to recover, and as a result, sleep will last longer. Women tend to multitask (they tend to have different tasks and these are done at the same time, because their way of processing information makes them more flexible) this excessive use of the brain differentiates them from men (although there are always exceptions, are mentioned as generalities). But this may be the main reason why women need more sleep than men. However, he said that men who have complex jobs that involve a great deal of " decision making and lateral thinking " are also likely to need more sleep than the average man. The study also found that poor sleep among women was linked to a number of side effects. Increased levels of psychological distress and heightened feelings of nervousness, depression, and anger are all found in women who slept poorly, however, not in men who also suffered from insomnia or sleep problems. All food provides the body with energy, but this energy can vary greatly. Some foods, such as sugars and refined carbs, give the body a quick jolt of energy. However, more often, the body needs more sustainable energy from ingredients such as fruits, grains, and legumes. Patriot Rise Up Reviews
fiona basil
Jun 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Having to deal with pain when you have arthritis is only part of the battle. Treatment for this disease must also take into account the emotional impact it causes. The pain you experience with arthritis can definitely affect your mood. Sure, it's no surprise that constant joint pain, throbbing, burning, and stiffness can wreak havoc on our emotional well-being. Also, this pain can get in the way of many activities that bring you joy : you no longer want to exercise, you can't go out and have fun with friends and family; You may not even be able to do the simplest of household chores or attend to your basic needs when your joints are really giving you trouble. This is why many people experience depression and other mental health problems as a result of their arthritis, and why it is important to take care of your emotional health and your physical well-being simultaneously. The Mind-Body Connection When You Have Arthritis Grief and depression go hand in hand, and this relationship can feed itself. People in pain are often depressed because of their pain, and people with depression often experience physical pain and symptoms as a result of poor emotional health. The rate of depression among people with arthritis varies depending on the type of arthritis. For people with osteoarthritis, depression can be common. People waiting for a joint replacement have an overall depression rate of about 12 percent, according to a study in the journal Arthritis. And the rates are 2.5 times higher in people with six or more affected joints than in those with just one complaint. The connection between emotional health and arthritis pain flare-ups appears to be particularly strong in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Depression and stress are very common with RA, and persistent stress and chronic depression make arthritis pain and other symptoms worse. In fact, among people with rheumatoid arthritis, depending on the criteria used, the rate of depression can range from about 15 percent to nearly 39 percent, based on an analysis of 72 studies published in the September issue of Rheumatology. Viewed from another perspective, people with rheumatoid arthritis are 74 percent more likely to develop depression than those without RA. In a type of inflammatory arthritis like RA, pain caused by joint inflammation may appear before depression, but having depression afterward may mean that the patient experiences their pain more severely than a patient with similar degrees of inflammation without depression. Chronic pain clearly affects emotional and physical health, and it is difficult to find relief for one without treating the other. Simply put, chronic pain cannot be treated well without also addressing concurrent anxiety and depression. Mood disturbance is linked to poorer arthritis treatment outcomes among those with chronic pain and also to poorer general functioning, including greater pain-related disability. The good news is that stress management techniques and depression treatment can also help you manage your arthritis pain. Promote emotional health to control arthritis pain Sometimes you will feel hopeless or hopeless because of your arthritis. To promote your emotional health, start implementing these recommendations to eliminate stress: · Relax. Sure, easier said than done. truth? Well, not if you know how. Make sure you enjoy a quiet time that is completely stress-free - don't think about the things you should be doing, your health, or anything that could cause anxiety. Instead, focus fully on an activity that you enjoy, even if it's only for 15 minutes. · Breathe. Practice simple deep breathing techniques. Try to inhale and exhale deeply and slowly, letting all the muscles in your body relax. Have calm and peaceful thoughts. · Exercise. Moving, even in a limited way, will help your mind and body feel better, and you'll feel a sense of accomplishment as you get up and be active. Doing almost any type of activity can help reduce pain and depression, and getting the right amount of physical activity can also work wonders when it comes to arthritis. You will enjoy double benefits: Following an exercise routine will increase mental health and reduce chronic pain. Light yoga and Pilates are good ways to stretch your joints while calming your mind. But first get the go-ahead from your rheumatologist to make sure you're doing good activities for you. · Soak in a hot bath. This technique is not only great for relieving arthritis pain, but also for the spirit. Taking a nice soak in a bubbly tub is relaxing and luxurious, and can lift your spirits and spirits. Increase the relaxation factor by adding some candles and relaxing music during your bath. · Speaks. Having arthritis is not something to be ashamed of, and suppressing your feelings will only make you feel worse. Talk to friends, family, or members of a support group about what you are experiencing physically and emotionally; sometimes all you need to do is express your feelings to make yourself feel better about them. Ask for help in dealing with your emotional problems Understand that feeling over-stressed or anxious about the state of your health is not uncommon when you are dealing with a chronic illness. Not only does arthritis cause you significant pain, it can also deprive you of something vital: your independence. Not being able to get in your car and do your own shopping, clean your house, go for a walk, or even tie your shoes can be scary, frustrating, and depressing. It is essential that patients with arthritis and depression receive help from both a rheumatologist and a psychiatrist or psychologist for a comprehensive treatment plan. Just as arthritis medications are not one-size-fits-all, neither are the various psychiatric medications and interventions used to treat depression and anxiety. Mental health management is an important part of an arthritis treatment plan. When all aspects of pain are treated: depression, anxiety, sleep, pain, relationships, the results are optimal. These are the recommended management techniques: · Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which teaches you how to manage pain and deal with emotional health problems like anxiety. · Stress management techniques, including deep breathing and meditation, to help calm stressors that can make pain worse. · Biofeedback, a therapy that teaches control of the body's involuntary processes (such as heart rate) to help manage chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. Medication may also be an appropriate option. Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anticonvulsants, and benzodiazepines can help control pain and, depending on the type of medicine, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and trouble sleeping. Antidepressants, particularly SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and tricyclics, are responsible for altering pain perception and helping to stabilize moods. Another type of antidepressant, an SNRI (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor called Effexor (venlafaxine), is also being implemented as a way to control both pain and mood, although Harvard describes the evidence to date as " inconclusive". Don't stop getting help If you're feeling overwhelmed, it's time to talk to your medical team about your emotional well-being. Treating your emotional health is also part of their job, and since arthritis is so often affected, they have the expertise you need. Just as your arthritis pain can be treated, anxiety and depression can also be treated. It can be difficult to live with a disease like arthritis, but taking the right steps to improve your emotional health can also help ease your physical pain. Gluconite, Gluconite Review, Gluconite Reviews, Gluconite Supplement, Gluconite Supplement Review, Gluconite Supplement Reviews, Gluconite Supplements, Gluconite Supplements Review, Gluconite Ingredients, Gluconite Ingredients Review, Gluconite Customer Reviews, Gluconite Customer Experience, Gluconite Home Remedies, Gluconite Symptoms, Gluconite scam or not, Gluconite side effects, Gluconite Videos, Gluconite Secrets, Gluconite Capsules, Gluconite amazon, Gluconite, Gluconite Review, Gluconite Reviews, Gluconite Supplement, Gluconite Supplement Review, Gluconite Supplement Reviews, Gluconite Supplements, Gluconite Supplements Review, Gluconite Ingredients, Gluconite Ingredients Review, Gluconite Customer Reviews, Gluconite Customer Experience, Gluconite Home Remedies, Gluconite Symptoms, Gluconite scam or not
fiona basil
Jun 02, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
Synthroid or levothyroxine can make people living with hypothyroidism feel much better, however, allergic reactions or drug sensitivities can occur due to ingredients such as acacia, lactose, and cornstarch. Symptoms ranging from runny nose to skin rash and / or hives to abdominal pain can occur, and it may take a while to realize that the medication is to blame rather than something else. Hypersensitivity reactions to Synthroid are more common among those with allergies, hay fever, or asthma. An allergic reaction to Synthroid is most often diagnosed based on history, although allergy tests are available for acacia. Managing this problem most often includes switching to another brand of levothyroxine, and fortunately there are other brands of the drug with different ingredients that may be effective. Allergens in the Synthroid Besides the active ingredient, in this case thyroid hormone, most medications also contain inactive ingredients, known as excipients. While these ingredients are inactive, they are not necessarily inert and can lead to allergic reactions or other symptoms. Many allergic reactions and sensitivities to Synthroid are related to acacia, lactose, or cornstarch, although allergic reactions to levothyroxine have been observed very rarely. 1. Acacia Acacia is a family of shrubs and trees, and is used as an ingredient (acacia gum) in some medications, including Synthroid brand levothyroxine, to give tablets shape and structure. Some people who have allergies to pollen and hay fever, especially to tree pollens and herbs (such as rye grass pollen), may also have an allergy to acacia, even when it is an ingredient in a medicine. People who have asthma are also more likely to be allergic. For some hypothyroid people who have these allergies, taking Synthroid can cause allergic symptoms. Interestingly, it also appears that people who have seasonal allergies may find that they do not respond well to their Synthroid during allergy season. Studies looking at the incidence of acacia susceptibility are few, but there appears to be a particularly high rate of sensitization among people living in Iran and neighboring countries, as well as the Philippines. 2. Lactose Another ingredient in Synthroid is lactose, which can trigger symptoms in people with lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is an inability to digest lactose, the main sugar found in milk. Lactose is also an ingredient in some foods and medicines. The signs of lactose intolerance can include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, gas, nausea and diarrhea. When there is a lactose intolerance, these symptoms often begin 30 minutes to two hours after taking Synthroid. 3. Corn starch Besides acacia and lactose, one of the most common fillers used in Synthroid is confectionery sugar (powdered sugar), which contains cornstarch. Some studies have found that corn proteins cross-react with gluten, which could trigger an immune system reaction to fillers in the same way that it does to gluten. Cornstarch can also be a problem for those with a corn allergy. While this cross-reactivity can occur and affect people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, gluten itself does not appear to be a problem. A study specifically looked at the gluten content of Synthroid tablets. The level of gluten in Synthroid was found to be below detectable levels (based on FDA criteria, Synthroid would be considered gluten-free). And the researchers felt that while the gluten threshold needed to cause celiac disease to worsen is unknown, Synthroid is unlikely to exacerbate symptoms in people with celiac disease. Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Reactions to Synthroid The signs and symptoms of an allergy or hypersensitivity to Synthroid can take several forms. In the case of acacia allergy, symptoms often include a runny nose, eye discharge, and congestion, although mood swings can also occur. Some people develop an eczematous-like rash, hives, or generalized itching. With lactose intolerance, the most common symptoms are abdominal discomfort, bloating, gas, nausea, and vomiting. The signs of a cornstarch allergy may depend on the underlying sensitivity. When there is an allergy to corn, symptoms can range from hives to hay fever to anaphylaxis. For celiac disease, symptoms can suggest an intolerance, such as bloating, abdominal pain, or constipation, but can also include less common symptoms ranging from anemia to infertility. Some people have recognized that they have an allergy by noting that their Synthroid doesn't seem to work as well at certain times of the year, for example during hay fever season. If your TSH fluctuates from high to low, there are many potential causes, and hypersensitivity to Synthroid may be one of them. Although allergic reactions to Synthroid are rare, any allergic reaction has the potential to be life threatening. You should seek immediate medical attention if you develop dizziness, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, or other signs of anaphylaxis (a serious allergic reaction). Diagnosis of this type of allergies Diagnosing an allergic reaction or sensitivity to Synthroid can be challenging, as many of the people who have these allergies also have hay fever, lactose intolerance, or gluten sensitivity. Most often, the diagnosis is made by taking a careful history of symptoms, including how they are related to the timing of Synthroid dosing, foods, and exposure to other allergens. If you are concerned about having an allergy to Synthroid, it may help to keep a diary of your symptoms. Make sure to document any symptoms of hay fever, hives, or itching and digestive system symptoms you have, as well as how you feel in general. An allergy can cause TSH levels to rise (and consequently hypothyroid symptoms), but there are many possible causes if your thyroid medication doesn't work. There are allergy tests available for acacia, although the allergy may be suspected in those who have previously been diagnosed with allergies to trees or herbs. There are several tests you can do if you suspect lactose intolerance, such as a lactose tolerance test, a hydrogen breath test, or, in children, a stool acid test. That said, many people find out about their intolerance on their own, and often the best way to diagnose the condition in conjunction with any other food intolerance is to follow an elimination diet. The same applies in the case of allergy to corn, for which skin and blood tests are available, but which are often inaccurate. If the Synthroid you take is a gluten trigger, perhaps the easiest way to determine this is to try a different brand of levothyroxine (under the direction of a physician). Management and treatment of allergies to Synthroid If you suspect that you are sensitive to acacia, lactose, corn, or possibly a gluten trigger in your Synthroid, it is important that you report this to your healthcare provider. What he will recommend depends, in large part, on the severity of the reaction you are experiencing. 1. For mild symptoms or uncertain allergies If your symptoms are mild, you may want to continue medication and keep a symptom diary, using allergy medications as needed to manage your symptoms until you have a better idea of whether you really have a problem with Synthroid or no. For lactose intolerance, there is also the option of using lactase supplements (which contain the enzyme needed to break down lactose), if you don't want to change your medication. However, lactase supplements themselves can trigger allergic reactions in some people. 2. Change brands of thyroxine While you should generally stick to the same brand of levothyroxine to better treat your hypothyroidism, switching to a different brand can not only ease your symptoms, but confirm a possible allergy. Before changing medications, talk to your doctor and make sure you need to continue thyroid replacement (most people will, but not all). Levoxyl and Tirosint are brands of levothyroxine that are acacia and lactose free. Tirosint appears to be particularly effective in treating people who have celiac disease in addition to hypothyroidism, as it has fewer active ingredients. However, it can cause heart problems, as well as difficulties controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes. There are also other brands of levothyroxine like Levothroid and Unithroid. Additionally, there are many brands of generic levothyroxine, although there has been some controversy over the equivalence of these products. 3. Desensitization Oral desensitization, or immunotherapy for allergies (creating a tolerance to the medication as with allergy shots), is not commonly used when diagnosing an allergy to Synthroid, but has been effective for some people who appear to have a true allergy to levothyroxine. 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fiona basil
May 31, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The collagen seems to be the rage at the moment. You've probably seen it in store-bought beauty aisle products for years, due to its ability to help keep hair healthy, create soft, supple skin, and build strong, beautiful nails. What you may not know, however, is that collagen has powerful health benefits far beyond its external benefits. Because of this, more recently it has found its way onto health food store shelves and in food products such as protein bars, tea, and coffee. Let's take a look at the health benefits of collagen and why it is recommended to take it every day. Body building blocks Think of collagen as the "glue" that holds your body together. In fact, collagen comes from the Greek word 'kolla' - which means 'glue'. It is the fibrous protein found throughout the body, in organs, muscles, skin, hair, nails, teeth, bones, blood vessels, tendons, joints, cartilage and in the digestive system. There are many different types of collagen (16 to be exact), which do different things, but most of it, up to 90%, is "Type 1". This is the most common and strongest type, even stronger than steel (gram for gram) and is found on your skin, bones, organs, eyes, and within your digestive tract. After age 35, collagen production naturally begins to decline, which can have all sorts of negative effects on the body. At age 40, it begins to deplete faster than the body can reproduce, and by age 60, more than half of the collagen in your body has been depleted. In addition to aging, there are many other factors that affect collagen levels, including genetics, smoking, pollution, excessive sun exposure, and nutritional deficiencies. The daily supplement of collagen is essential for optimal health and performance. Amazing health benefits of collagen So, besides the external benefits, what else can it do for you? It may surprise you. The many beneficial effects of collagen go far beyond great skin. 1. Helps repair a perforated intestine One of the main reasons collagen supplement use is great is to help repair a perforated gut. Almost 60-80% of your immune system is housed in your gut. As you probably know, leaky or perforated intestine is a common cause of autoimmune disease and thyroid dysfunction. When you have a leaky gut, toxins, food particles, and infections can pass through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream, causing inflammation, and over time this chronic inflammation can lead to autoimmunity. So, if you've been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease or thyroid disorder (the vast majority of which are autoimmune), then you likely have a perforated intestine and you would surely benefit from adding collagen to your diet. That's because your intestinal wall is made up of microscopic folds or "villi" that are actually made up of collagen. The amino acids in collagen literally "seal the leak" or perforations by healing damaged cells and building new tissues. In addition to helping in healing a leaky gut, collagen supplementation can help a number of other gastrointestinal disorders, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), by helping with the absorption of water in the intestines. 2. Strengthens and repairs hair, skin and nails Hair loss and skin problems can be symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, as well as the normal aging process. As you age, you may have noticed that your skin has become looser and less elastic - and there may be wrinkles or folds where your skin was once softer and more supple. You can also experience brittle nails. Your hair can also start to thin out and become dry and brittle. This is because collagen protein is essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails, and as mentioned, its natural production declines as you age. Increasing your intake can go a long way in making your skin appear firmer and smoother by renewing and repairing cells. Is Recent studies have also shown that supplemental collagen can reverse hair loss in some cases. Many people do not realize that adding collagen to their diet can also help reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. When the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thin, cellulite becomes more apparent. Helps increase moisture retention, improve elasticity, and help smooth out that dimpled look as well as fine lines. 3. It is anti-inflammatory to prevent joint pain Like the oil in a car, collagen allows your joints, tendons, and ligaments to slide and move with ease. With age, and as its production is depleted, your joints can become stiff, swollen and painful, even causing a lack of mobility. It contains the amino acids glycine and proline, which can help reduce joint pain and help increase joint mobility due to their anti-inflammatory properties, similar to ibuprofen. A recent study even found that taking collagen can be beneficial for pain associated with osteoarthritis. 4. Supports weight management Collagen can even help you control your weight. Glycine, the amino acid we mentioned earlier, builds muscle by converting glucose into energy. Having more lean muscle tissue gives your metabolism a boost, because muscle burns more calories than fat. Essentially, collagen helps turn your body into a fat burning machine, even when you are at rest. There is some evidence to also suggest that supplemental collagen can help suppress your appetite. One study cited a 20% reduction in food intake after breakfast when collagen proteins were ingested. The same study showed that its proteins were 40% more satiating than other protein powder supplements. 5. Collagen helps protect the heart The proline, found in collagen, can help clear fat deposits in the arteries and repair tissue within the artery. It has also been shown to help control blood pressure. Because of this, collagen has been linked to the prevention of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). 6. Supports bone growth, repair and formation Calcium is not the only component for healthy bones. Your bones are ⅓ collagen, which gives them their flexibility. Your bone cells are constantly changing, and adding collagen proteins to your daily diet can make your bones stronger by increasing bone mineral density. Several studies have shown that osteoporosis can be prevented and even reversed by supplementation with hydrolyzed collagen due to its ability to stimulate bone-building cells (osteoblasts). 7. Improves detoxification and liver function The toxins we are exposed to every day must be processed by your liver to be disposed of outside of your body. The glycine, found in collagen, can help with detoxification and reduce damage to your liver by these toxins. Studies have even found that glycine can be used to help reduce alcohol-induced liver damage. As if all of this wasn't enough, glycine can be very calming and even improve the quality of your sleep. How to add collagen to your diet Where can you find good sources? Of course, there are foods rich in collagen (spinach, kale, tomatoes, beets, fish, and many others), and bone broth has become a very popular food in recent years as an excellent source of collagen. However, many people find it inconvenient to incorporate bone broth into their diets or go through the process of making it at home. Taking supplements every day in any safe and reliable form is a great way to supply our bodies with collagen. The low molecular weight protein of collagen is easily digested within minutes of consumption. Simply take your supplement in capsule or powder form (always choose good quality) if it is powder you can add it to your smoothie every morning or a hot cup of tea. It is a great source of protein that can be added to juices or even a glass of water. At the very least, to help repair a perforated intestine, you can take 1-2 scoops per day if you consume it as a powder. Consuming a diet high in added sugars, such as those found in sweetened beverages, candy, baked goods, and sugary cereals, is a contributing factor in weight gain and chronic health conditions, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Altai Balance Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
May 31, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
In the world of visual diseases, glaucoma is characterized by being an evil that gradually decreases vision in a silent way, since it does not present symptoms, in addition to generating loss of vision intermittently. Many people ignore this disease when they are victims of its symptoms, attributing the problem to genetic diseases or simply start using corrective lenses thinking that this is the solution. Taking the correct treatment of glaucoma, you can avoid reaching permanent blindness. By submitting to ophthalmological analysis, it can be foreseen thanks to a detection in time, in this way the treatment could save our sight. A healthy eye is characterized by having its cornea well protected by the translucent membrane called the drainage channels. Inside the organ are nerve fibers that regulate the dilation of the pupil and the iris, whose function is to determine the amount of light that our visual spectrum can perceive, in this way the images are processed in our brain. Likewise, an eye affected by Glaucoma occurs when the channels responsible for draining tear fluids are obstructed, preventing these fluids from escaping. The constant accumulation causes a singular pressure in the eye, damaging the optic nerves, ending in almost total blindness. One of the factors that make people ignore this evil is that it never attacks both eyes simultaneously, gradually, it degrades the eyes separately, warning us that something is happening with our sight. The most common symptoms of glaucoma are: · Severe headaches in the frontal region of the face and head. · Vomiting · Distorted Vision. · Visual field defects. · Eye pain · Constant dilation of the pupils. · Visual flashes. · Loss of vision in the peripheral points of the eye. Experts in eye medicine suggest a glaucoma screening, starting with routine eye exams in the youngest, adolescents, and adults. It is a duty that, at least once, people have examinations to rule out glaucoma at the moment when their age ranges from forty years of age, after this first check-up, every four years. However, if there is a suspicion of having a greater risk for this disease to increase in your body, it is best to undergo examinations every year after thirty-five. Who are the most likely to suffer from this disease? · The myopic. · People with diabetes. · People over sixty years of age. · People of African descent. · People who tend to use steroids constantly. It is important to know which are the main causative agents of this disease, among the most common are: Poor diet in terms of foods that strengthen vision, emotional lows, hypertension and strong pressure on the eyes. Recommended foods: Within the world of food, there are many foods that could slow the spread of glaucoma, and even prevent it completely. Doctors recommend a healthy diet on specific vegetables The recommended foods are: · Cucumbers · Red meat · Green Tea. · seeds. · Corn. · Cheeses · Zucchini. · Carrots · Liver. · Broccoli. In addition to a good diet, the daily habits that we carry out in our life can be of vital help to avoid not only glaucoma, but any other eye disease, such as: Moderate alcohol consumption, use dark protective glasses, avoid excessive Medication, yoga, meditation and breathing exercises are also good preventive agents. Alternative therapies: Within Western medicine, acupuncture, reflexology and therapies related to body energies work to prevent glaucoma and other ills. Resting regularly, not exposing your eyes for long periods in front of technological devices and exercising your eyes by moving in all directions every time we feel discomfort in them, are alternative measures for the prevention and correct treatment of the disease. On the other hand, taking care of blood pressure is of vital importance in the prevention of glaucoma. It is scientifically proven that this disease is directly proportional to the high and low pressure in our body. If you suspect that you have the disease, the most important thing is to see a doctor for appropriate tests. The brain plays such a major role in processing the sound information our ear receives that we can’t ignore it. Research has shown that there are links between hearing loss and mental conditions such as anxiety and depression. Synapse XT Supplement Reviews
fiona basil
May 28, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
The erection is a physiological process of both vascular and nervous origin and which is controlled hormonally. It consists of the dilation of the corpora cavernosa. Erectile dysfunction is called the persistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection that allows adequate sexual satisfaction. Erectile dysfunction despite being an organic disease has many repercussions on quality of life and mental health. According to the literature that is consulted, the incidence of erectile dysfunction is between 20 and 50% in people over 40 years of age. Risk factor's Since vascular phenomena are so involved in erection, it is logical that the risk factors for cardiovascular disease are the same as in erectile dysfunction. Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking and hypercholesterolemia. After open prostatectomies the risk is high. Causes of Erectile Dysfunction The main causes of Erectile Dysfunction are: . Vascular origin: · Heart disease · Arterial hypertension · Mellitus diabetes · Dyslipidemia · Cigarette . Major surgeries: · Prostatectomy (total or radical) · After radiotherapy on the pelvic region . Neurological: · Parkinson's disease · Multiple sclerosis · Brain tumors · Stroke · Spinal cord disorders · Herniated discs · Polyneuropathies · Peripheral neuropathy due to alcoholism · Peripheral Diabetes Neuropathy . Anatomical causes: · Peyronie's disease. · Penis fracture · Congenital curvature of the penis. · Micropenis. · Hypospadias, epispadias. . Hormonal causes: · Hypogonadism · Hyperprolactinemia · Hyper and hypothyroidism · Cushing's disease . Pharmacological: · Antihypertensives (diuretics and beta-blockers) · Antidepressants · Antipsychotics · Antiandrogens · Antihistamines · Drugs (heroin, cocaine, methadone) . Psychological causes: · Anxiety · Depression · Relationship-related problems. · Lack of sexual stimulation Possible treatments In erectile dysfunction, the basic principle is to find the cause, identify the risk factors that can be modified, to initiate a preventive and curative intervention. After correcting modifiable factors or life habits, it is necessary to eliminate easily modifiable causes, such as medications or control of some diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Then it goes to a second phase in which medical treatment begins. Few causes of erectile dysfunction can be cured with specific treatment. Among them we have: · Psychogenic. · Post-traumatic in young patients, after repairing arterial ruptures and improving pelvic blood flow. · Hormonal due to hypogonadism or hyperprolactinemia, which are completely corrected when the appropriate hormonal treatment is established. However, most of the causes require general medical treatment, which must be adapted to each particular case. We can differentiate three lines of treatment, which are chosen progressively when the previous line fails. First line of treatment: Medications that inhibit the enzyme PDE5, have as a mechanism of action the vasodilation that causes erection. It takes sexual stimulation. The most common are: · Sildenafil · Tadalafil · Vardenafil · Avanafil · Mirodenafil Second line of treatment: Intracavernous injections · Alprostadil, at a dose of 5 to 40 micrograms, achieves an erection in 5 to 15 minutes and the response may depend on the dose. It has an efficiency greater than 70%. · Intraurethral alprotadil Third line of treatment · Penile prostheses or implants. There are other less frequently used drugs with less scientific evidence for the case of erectile dysfunction. They can work in some specific cases: · Yohimbine: It is a vasodilator, which has been used as an aphrodisiac for many decades, but it has many side effects. · Delecuamin: it is an adrenergic antagonist, more specific than Yohimbine. · Trazodone: is an antidepressant drug that has been associated with prolonged erections due to its effect on the lytic muscle in the corpora cavernosa. · L ‐ arginine: acts as an antagonist of opioid receptors. · Ginseng: It has been commonly used as a vasodilator, although its mechanism of action is unknown. · Limaprost: for oral use, it is a derivative of alprostadil. Treatment summary The principles of treatment and options are summarized in: · Changes in lifestyle habits and risk factors should be established in all cases and try to maintain them throughout the medical treatment. · Erection-enhancing medications should be given early in total or radical prostatectomies. · In principle, any cause that is previously diagnosed at the beginning of pro-erectile treatment should be treated. · Sildenafil and its derivatives constitute the accepted first-line treatment in all cases. · In most patients, constant administration of sildenafil or derivatives can restore erectile function to normal. · The failure of medical treatment is based on two main causes: the incorrect indication of medication and the lack of education in the use of pro-erectile drugs. · Testosterone can be used, but only in cases of hypogonadism, where the decrease of this hormone in the blood is detected or measured. They are mandatory tests before starting a treatment for erectile dysfunction. There are many cases of treatment failure with sildenafil or taladafil due to undiagnosed underlying hypogonadism. · In patients with contraindications to the use of sildenafil or derivatives, apomorphine can be used. · The use of vacuum constriction devices are a valid option, in some cases of stable and well-disposed couples. However, these devices tend to be discontinued after the first 3 months. Initially, penetration can be achieved in 90% of cases, with satisfaction in sexual intercourse varying from 25 to 95%. They can cause ecchymosis or minor injuries to the penis due to its shape and action. These devices do not cure any type of erectile dysfunction, they are only used as a temporary alternative. · Topical treatments with vasodilator creams can be used at the level of the penis, some commercial preparations may include an absorption enhancer. · Nitroglycerin 2% · 15% or 20% papaverine · 2% minoxidil · There is also the sublingual apomorphine alternative, which is used on demand and is fast acting. It is effective between 28 and 50% of the cases. Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in the arteries as it is pumped around the body by the heart. Blood pressure does not stay the same all the time. It changes to meet your body’s needs. It is affected by various factors, including body position, breathing, emotional state, exercise and sleep. BP Zone Zenith Labs Reviews
fiona basil
May 27, 2021
In Volunteers Fall Festival
When it comes to improving digestion and correcting constipation, diet, supplements, and functional medicine are often discussed. However, what not many know is that there are other factors that can help us release our intestines naturally and alleviate the constipation that had been following us for years. Below we will outline certain ideas that focus on movement and how it affects our overall health, including digestion. The simple truth is that sometimes when we have a hard time emptying our bowels, going for a walk or constantly exercising may be all you need to stimulate a bowel movement or relieve constipation. Movement is absolutely essential in life Movement is what allows us to move from A to B, express the fullness of our physiology, and keep our bodies healthy. In the modern world, people remain largely immobile and sedentary, and we have lost our connection to our natural forms of movement. We have shut ourselves in, just like a captive animal. We are no longer hunting in the fields, gathering or farming. These days most of us are stuck behind a desk, hunched over our computers and glued to screens. This lifestyle comes at a great price. Much research continues to be done, linking this chronic condition with many modern diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, and type II diabetes. And it also wreaks havoc on our postures. Look around you and you will quickly notice lowered heads, rounded shoulders, and hunched backs. The more time we spend on our computers and phones, the worse this problem seems to be. Chronic sitting in these poor postures can also have a drastic effect on other bodily functions such as our digestion. By maintaining poor posture, our head falls forward, shoulders are rounded, our rib cage is compressed, and our diaphragm is restricted. We no longer breathe efficiently or allow the abdomen and diaphragm to fully expand. The lack of movement can lead to constipation pattern. In addition, we are frequently anxious and chronically stressed, which puts our bodies in a sympathetic state (fight or flight mode) and prevents us from being in a parasympathetic state (rest and digest mode). The combination of poor posture, shortness of breath, lack of movement / blood flow and stress can negatively affect our digestion leading to constipation. Move every 45 minutes to relieve constipation As a culture, we are increasingly aware that many of the problems we face are a direct result of the food we eat. Many people have decided to stay away from processed and refined foods, toxic fats, and high sugar levels and notice significant improvements in their energy, mood, and digestion. But just taking food into account will not get us too far. We have to consider how much we move and other lifestyle factors as part of the approach to achieving optimal wellness. This is the case when it comes to digestion. There are some incredibly positive things you can do to optimize the breakdown of the food you eat, relieve constipation, and boost your immune system. For example, a simple but highly effective recommendation: get up and move in specific and intentional directions every 30-45 minutes for a period of 2-4 minutes. How to relieve constipation with specific exercises Exercise decreases the amount of time it takes for food to move through the large intestine, improving the overall efficiency of the digestive tract. You don't need to run a marathon or lift heavy weights to reap the relief benefits of exercise - even the lightest activity can help get things moving. Movement is your pass to free yourself from that prison that is sedentary lifestyle and lack of movement. The goal of this is to help you relieve your pain, restore your posture, and return to your natural forms of movement. If you are willing to exercise more than just walking, the following exercises are designed with this goal in mind to help your bowel move more and relieve constipation. Cow-cat yoga pose Start with your hands and knees on the floor. Make sure your knees are below your hips and your wrists are below your shoulders. Start in a neutral spine position, with your back flat and your abs tight. Take a great deep breath. On the exhale, round your spine towards the ceiling and imagine that you are pulling your belly button towards your spine, really catching your abs. Tuck your chin toward your chest and release your neck. This is your cat form. As you inhale, arch your back, let your belly relax and release. Raise your head and tailbone skyward, without putting unnecessary pressure on your neck. This is the cow pose. Continue to flow back and forth from cat pose to cow pose, connecting your breath with each movement: inhale cow pose and exhale with cat pose. Repeat for at least 10 rounds. Downward facing dog yoga pose This position is the perfect yoga posture for constipation because it stretches your entire body and releases tension. This can also help ease any buildup in the digestive tract, get things moving, and end constipation. 1. Start on all fours on the floor. 2. Tuck your toes underneath and straighten your legs, pushing down through your palms. 3. You should be making an inverted "V" at this point. 4. Keep your feet hip-width apart with your arms slightly wider at shoulder level. 5. Bend your knees very slightly and hold 10 deep breaths. There are many yoga poses you can try, so don't limit yourself to just these two! Cardio Aerobic exercises speed up your breathing and increase your heart rate. As the blood flows, the intestinal muscles are stimulated and begin to contact each other to help move stool out quickly. Any form of cardio is helpful in relieving constipation. Try Zumba, jogging, water aerobics, running, or even light walking. Try to do 30 minutes of cardio a day, but if you can't fit it all at once, try mini cardio sessions throughout the day. Try this 30 minute walking exercise: 1. Warm up: Walk at your normal pace for 5 minutes. 2. Main exercise: speed up the pace, walk briskly for about 25 minutes. 3. Cool down: slow down when you finish your hike. Do some gentle stretches to loosen up and relax your muscles. Here are other exercises you can try: · Jogging in place · Jumping jacks · Climb mountains · Deep squats · Lunges When to exercise The best time to combat constipation with exercise is about an hour after a big meal. After eating, blood flow to the stomach and intestines increases, helping the body in the digestion process. When there is blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract, there are more digestive enzymes that help move food waste more quickly through the intestine. Digest your food first, then jump into your workout. Tinnitus happens when we consciously hear a sound that does not come from any source outside the body. It is not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying problem. The noise is usually subjective, meaning that only the person who has tinnitus can hear it. The most common form is a steady, high-pitched ringing. This can be annoying, but it does not usually indicate a serious condition. Silencil Ingredients Reviews
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