In the world of visual diseases, glaucoma is characterized by being an evil that gradually decreases vision in a silent way, since it does not present symptoms, in addition to generating loss of vision intermittently.
Many people ignore this disease when they are victims of its symptoms, attributing the problem to genetic diseases or simply start using corrective lenses thinking that this is the solution. Taking the correct treatment of glaucoma, you can avoid reaching permanent blindness. By submitting to ophthalmological analysis, it can be foreseen thanks to a detection in time, in this way the treatment could save our sight.
A healthy eye is characterized by having its cornea well protected by the translucent membrane called the drainage channels. Inside the organ are nerve fibers that regulate the dilation of the pupil and the iris, whose function is to determine the amount of light that our visual spectrum can perceive, in this way the images are processed in our brain.
Likewise, an eye affected by Glaucoma occurs when the channels responsible for draining tear fluids are obstructed, preventing these fluids from escaping. The constant accumulation causes a singular pressure in the eye, damaging the optic nerves, ending in almost total blindness.
One of the factors that make people ignore this evil is that it never attacks both eyes simultaneously, gradually, it degrades the eyes separately, warning us that something is happening with our sight.
The most common symptoms of glaucoma are:
· Severe headaches in the frontal region of the face and head.
· Vomiting
· Distorted Vision.
· Visual field defects.
· Eye pain
· Constant dilation of the pupils.
· Visual flashes.
· Loss of vision in the peripheral points of the eye.
Experts in eye medicine suggest a glaucoma screening, starting with routine eye exams in the youngest, adolescents, and adults.
It is a duty that, at least once, people have examinations to rule out glaucoma at the moment when their age ranges from forty years of age, after this first check-up, every four years. However, if there is a suspicion of having a greater risk for this disease to increase in your body, it is best to undergo examinations every year after thirty-five.
Who are the most likely to suffer from this disease?
· The myopic.
· People with diabetes.
· People over sixty years of age.
· People of African descent.
· People who tend to use steroids constantly.
It is important to know which are the main causative agents of this disease, among the most common are: Poor diet in terms of foods that strengthen vision, emotional lows, hypertension and strong pressure on the eyes.
Recommended foods:
Within the world of food, there are many foods that could slow the spread of glaucoma, and even prevent it completely. Doctors recommend a healthy diet on specific vegetables
The recommended foods are:
· Cucumbers
· Red meat
· Green Tea.
· seeds.
· Corn.
· Cheeses
· Zucchini.
· Carrots
· Liver.
· Broccoli.
In addition to a good diet, the daily habits that we carry out in our life can be of vital help to avoid not only glaucoma, but any other eye disease, such as: Moderate alcohol consumption, use dark protective glasses, avoid excessive Medication, yoga, meditation and breathing exercises are also good preventive agents.
Alternative therapies:
Within Western medicine, acupuncture, reflexology and therapies related to body energies work to prevent glaucoma and other ills. Resting regularly, not exposing your eyes for long periods in front of technological devices and exercising your eyes by moving in all directions every time we feel discomfort in them, are alternative measures for the prevention and correct treatment of the disease.
On the other hand, taking care of blood pressure is of vital importance in the prevention of glaucoma. It is scientifically proven that this disease is directly proportional to the high and low pressure in our body.
If you suspect that you have the disease, the most important thing is to see a doctor for appropriate tests.
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