Do you have children who are breastfeeding? You may be interested in knowing this about dairy formulas.
- Rich in omega 3 for brain development, named, DHA and AA
- It adapts perfectly to the needs of the infant; the levels decrease as the baby grows
- Rich in cholesterol (good)
- Almost completely absorbed
- Contains lipase enzyme that digests fat
- More fully absorbed;
- Lactoferrin for gut health
- Lysozyme, an antimicrobial
- Rich in protein components
- Rich in growth factors
- Contains sleep-inducing proteins
- Rich in lactose
- Rich in living white blood cells, millions per feeding
- Rich in immunoglobulins
- Minerals are better absorbed, especially zinc and calcium
- Iron is 50 to 75 percent absorbed.
- Contains more selenium (an antioxidant)
- Rich in digestive enzymes, such as amylase and lipase
- Rich in many hormones: thyroid, prolactin, oxytocin, and others
Milk formula
- Difficult to digest curd casein
- Does not contain DHA (Omega 3)
- Does not adjust to the needs of the baby
- No good cholesterol
- It is not completely absorbed
- Sinlipase
- It absorbs poorly
- No lactoferrin, or just a trace
- No lysozyme
- Deficient or low in protein
- Deficient in growth factors
(Babies may be allergic to the protein in formula.)
- No living white blood cells - or any other cells. Dead food has fewer immune benefits.
- Few Immunoglobulins and most are of the wrong type
- Number of poorly absorbed minerals
- Iron is 5 to 10 percent absorbed
- Little selenium
- Processing kills digestive enzymes
- Processing kills hormones, which are not human to begin with
Digestive enzymes promote intestinal health. Hormones contribute to the overall balance of the baby's biochemistry and well-being.
The superiority of mother's milk over formula is not really controversial.
Fat is the most important nutrient in breast milk. Insufficient cholesterol and DHA, essential for the brain and growing organs, can predispose a child to an adult heart and diseases in the center of the nervous system.
The baby's brain is made up mostly of fats - good fats like DHA and AA. Fats form the structure of nerve cells, the insulation between them, the connections, and the supporting structure. Without these essential fatty acids, there is no normal brain. With inadequate supplies of them, the formation of the brain is not faulty.
But before we can talk about brain fats, it's important to say a little about:
In the ubiquitous Disneyland of nutritional misinformation around us, a major nutrition topic worth studying is fats. Specifically, the good fats.
With the endless efforts of the media, every day they instill the emaciated look of the super slim young lady as the epitome of female beauty, fats are the devil. Fat is bad. Fat clogs the heart and makes us ordinary. Worse yet, fat equals fat. Fats cause cellulite and make us accept companions with a lower quality of life. And low-paying jobs. And vehicles with dents in them.
So, we have the Low Fat / No Fat obsession - low-fat milk, salad dressing, butter, yogurt, cheese, bread, pasta, beer, coffee creamer, ice cream, meats, chips, etc. all fat free. They instill in our minds the falsehood that the problem with these foods was too much fat. Trim the fat - you eliminate the problem. Now they are perfect foods, right?
The irony with this anti-fat campaign is that the person who eats only fat-free foods usually ends up deficient in fat. And therefore unhealthy.
Let's go back to the beginning.
Food for human consumption comes in 3 main forms:
- Fat
- Protein
- Carbohydrates
The three legs of the stool. Eliminate any of them and the result is an imbalance. Poor nutrition Organ dysfunction. Accelerated aging.
So, we need fat. Everyday. But they must be correct. And the fats suitable for human nutrition are certain fatty acids.
Starting with the fetus 'brain, certain long-chain fatty acids must be present in the mother's diet and blood for the fetus' brain to develop the building blocks it needs. Long chain, it just means that many carbon atoms are attached to each other. The reason all of these facts are required is because the baby's brain is almost all fat!
The two most important fatty acids for the brain are DHA and AA. Docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid. DHA is an omega-3 and AA is an omega-6.
The important thing is to know what these 2 essential fatty acids do:
- Vision cells
- Memory cells - Brain connections
- Energy of brain cells
- Develops brain cells
These functions seem quite important, don't you think? Up to one year of age there is no substitute for these 2 fatty acids. The child's brain approaches optimal development in direct proportion to the constant availability of DHA and AA. In her very thorough review of the medical literature on brain fats, Dr. Margaret Lahey clearly links EPT (Essential Fatty Acid) deficiency in the child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder), dyslexia and autism, citing dozens of medical sources. Again, this part of the discussion is beyond controversy.
A normal baby brain simply cannot be made without the fatty acid DHA. If DHA supplies are insufficient, the body will replace them with the closest of the other fatty acids it has, in order to survive. But the brain will not be normal.
A fetus consumes the mother's DHA so quickly that clinical studies show a 35% loss of DHA in pregnant women, compared to non-pregnant women.
Again, if the baby is breastfed for the first year, enough DHA and AA are available, as long as the mother has an excellent diet. The problem is that most mothers do not have a particularly excellent diet, as you may have noticed.
The first studies carried out by Hornstra and Salvati show that the majority of pregnant women are themselves deficient in DHA and AA, and therefore provide insufficient amounts of these essential fatty acids during the critical brain growth period in the last trimester. If the dietary deficiency continues after delivery, the child is at a disadvantage in terms of optimal brain development. These issues are also scientifically well established.
The importance of a woman's diet, then, both before and after childbirth, cannot be overemphasized.