How to make Lavender Oil
Lavender garden flowers are an ideal ingredient to make lavender oil, but if in your case you do not have them, you can buy them fresh would be recommended. With the lavender branches you can make a homemade lavender oil that will be very useful to prepare perfumes or use it in your own homemade beauty recipes.
Recipe to make your own lavender oil
You will need fresh lavender flowers that produce the best fragrance, but you can also use lavender plant cuttings, such as lavender leaves and stems. You should have about 2 to 4 cups of lavender. You can use the scissors to cut the stems and leaves into manageable pieces to fit the jar. . Cut to about 1-2 inches long or smaller.
What you will need to make your lavender oil
· A large glass container with a tight-fitting, screw-on lid would be ideal.
· A carrier oil that has a pale color and a mild aroma not to compete with the power of lavender
· A fine mesh strainer or piece of cheesecloth to strain the plant material
· A dark glass bottle (blue or amber) with a cap for storage of the finished product
Method to make lavender oil
Place the lavender in the glass jar and fill it with your chosen oil. Put the lid back in place and preserve the jar in a warm place to "strain" by shaking periodically to mix. Let sit for at least 48 hours, although an extra day won't hurt the process. Lavender oil will be attracted to its base oil and create a lavender infused oil.
You will have to let it settle overnight. You should strain the plant material through the filter or cheesecloth, squeezing out as much oil as possible before adding more plant material to the jar. You will have to repeat this process 2 to 3 times or more until the desired aroma is achieved. Store the lavender oil in the glass bottle in a cool, dark place to preserve its healthy properties. Lavender oil should last up to a year if stored properly.
This makes a wonderful fragrant lavender oil that can be used for bathing and body massage uses or a lavender craft gift for a special someone, the alternatives are many.
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